Thursday, November 18, 2010


In keeping with Ram Dass' new book, "Be Love Now," Julianne Reynolds has created a video of interviews and performances from the festival around the theme of love.

Love, in its pure form, is within us always. When we come together on sacred land in Joshua Tree, CA, for a long weekend of connection--through kirtan, yoga, and meditation--we strengthen the thread that links our mind to our heart.

For children, this is pretty obvious. As adults, we forget sometimes. Watch the video when Julianne asks a little boy what Bhakti Fest is all about. He confidently replies: LOVE. Of course!

We are the love, so be it!

Bhakti Blogger

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



Welcome to the official Bhakti Fest blog!

We will be using this blog as a vehicle to post interviews with our artists and collaborators.

If you have ever wondered what Dave Stringer's favorite mantra is, or what Shiva Rea's daily practice is, or what Jai Uttal is thinking when he's singing "Sita Ram", check back frequently.

It is our goal to bring you intimate portraits and musings from some of the most interesting and inspirational people on the spiritual path. By learning from these living examples, and sharing our own thoughts on this blog, we will deepen and challenge our understanding and awareness of "Bhakti" in preparation for the momentous gatherings in April and September!

Join me as we blog to the festival!

In loving service,
Bhatki Blogger
