Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Transcending with Bhakti

Thank you to Julianne Reynolds for this beautiful mini-documentary from Bhakti Fest 2010. Hear deeply moving interviews with Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Dave Stringer, C.C. White, and so many more of our talented (and wise) performers.

Blessings on your path,
Bhakti Fest

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jai Jai Hanuman!

Check out the latest video from our Bhakti Blogger: the wonderous Kasey Luber!

It's Hunuman Day at Esalen and so many of our friends came to merge in the bliss. Look for Momo Loudiyi, Saul David Raye, Sianna Sherman, Janet Stone, Jeremy Simon and more!

Bhakti Blessings and Bliss,
Bhakti Fest

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Saul in India

Check out this beautiful video edited by Kasey Luber, our favorite Bhakti Vlogger!

Travel to India from home for the spiritual journey of the Kumba Mehla. Bhakti Fest yoga teacher Saul David Raye explains shares his experience of the biggest event of the year. Enjoy!

Bhakti Fest
