Monday, January 10, 2011

Joyful in January

David Newman (Durga Das), is the January OMbassador for Bhakti Fest! The honor of "Kirtan OMbassador" is given to a kirtan artist whom we feel embodies the ideals of Bhakti. David Newman lives his yoga practice in each performance, uplifting audiences all around the country through the gift of his devotion.

This is a message from him, which we published in our monthly newsletter. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please sign up on our website.

Namaste Everyone,

I hope the New Year is in sweet flow for you. I am sensing that 2011 is going to be filled with great magic and grace for all of us. In my life lately, the theme of awakening has been coming up strongly. That we can awaken to what we already are is a great paradox and mystery. I recently read a great quote that said, 'he who seeks the light, actually has his hands over his eyes'. This touched me deeply. Could it be that simple? Could what we seek be so obvious and right in front of us? I believe that it is and that Kirtan and Bhakti practice are designed to wear down the resistance that prevents us from realizing the inevitable truth... that we are not separate from each other, or from God. As Neem Karoli Baba would say, 'Sub Ek', meaning that it is All One! For me, the gift of singing Kirtan is that it bathes us so deeply in joy. Through repeated exposure, we eventually cannot deny that this joy is actually who we really are. At some point, when we hit a critical mass, we are willing to put down our hands and see that the light we have yearned for has been there all along. That is when a seeker becomes a finder, and I believe that to be our true destiny!

Sending Love,

Is he coming to a town new you?

Tuesday, January 4 @ 7:00pm
Agape Healing Center - 900 Roosevelt Ave.

Saturday, January 8 @ 7:00pm
Joyflow Yoga Studio - 7048 Old Canton Rd., Suite 2F

Friday, January 21 @ 8:00pm
Urban Flow - 1543 Mission, St.

Shakti Music Festival with Girish
Saturday, January 22 @ 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Pacific Cultural Center - 1307 Seabright Ave.
Purchase Tickets

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